Project Description

Retina is a Marker for Cerebral Vascular Health at Mayo Clinic

Lead Investigator: Dr. Michelle Lin, MD, MPH

Research Contact: Meredith McDonald, 904-953-4200 or [email protected]

Researchers at Mayo Clinic at Jacksonville, led by Dr. Michelle Lin, MD, MPH are recruiting for a prospective, observational nested pilot randomized controlled study to discover vascular biomarkers that would predict cerebral small vessel disease progression, and evaluate the safety/efficacy of cilostazol in slowing SVD progression. Twenty CADASIL patients are being recruited for this interventional drug trial.

You may be eligible to participate if:

  • You are at least 18 years old
  • Confirmed or suspected diagnosis of CADASIL
  • Ability to travel to study location in Jacksonville Florida at baseline and 1 year apart (no reimbursement available)

Participation requires a half day of testing and a follow-up visit with the same tests in 1 year apart. Study tests include MRI, blood draw, cognitive testing, and physician visit.

For more information, please contact the study coordinator Meredith McDonald or [email protected].